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“An ambitious examination of obsessive love, ‘Passion's Little Plaything’ is stuffed to the brim with pop-jazz frills and polished to a near-blinding sheen. Seaholm's best tunes are impressive examples of pure pop craft.”

-- Karla Peterson, The San Diego Union-Tribune


“More hooks than a tackle box.”

-- Bart Mendoza, CityBeat

1. What drew you to want to play music?

I just started writing songs at a very early age without really thinking about it. Just a kid singing little songs.


2. Where is the first place you played music in public?

Little shows my sister would organize for me and my four siblings to entertain the neighbors.


3. What bands or artists have inspired or influenced you?

Early on it was The Jackson 5, Marvin Gaye, The Temptations and The Monkees. Later, it was Stevie Wonder, Paul Simon, Elvis Costello, Neil Finn and The Beatles. Top 40 radio played a huge role throughout.


4. Tell us a funny story about something that happened to you as a musician.

In our early shows with the unfortunately named Sven-Erik & The E Ticket Rollers, we would often jump off of the stage and into the crowd during a song (except for the drummer). We were playing The Spirit club in Bay Park one night and I hadn’t taken into account that the monitor speakers were mounted into the ceiling above the stage, rather than on the floor as usual. I took a flying leap off of the stage and clipped the monitor, which left me airborne and parallel to the floor. I promptly dropped to it from a height of about nine feet onto my back. I continued to play and finished the song, returning to the stage as if nothing had happened. As I approached the mic to address the capacity crowd, an eerily sudden silence fell over the room. At that exact moment, some wise guy shouted “Hey! How’s your head?” A solid minute of loudly sustained hysterical laughter followed. Ahhh, showbiz.


5. How many records have you produced for other artists or recorded of your own? 

More than 1,000 for other people, and 16 for myself and various side projects. I hope to add two more over the next year or two.


6. What is your proudest achievement of your music career?

Repeat clients.


7. What was the high point of your music career?

I’ll let you know when I get there.


8. Knowing what you know now, what would you tell your 25-year-old musician self, or what would you do differently?

Practice more.


9. After all these years, why do you keep playing music even in spite of the financial and emotional challenges of being an artist?

I guess I’m still that kid singing little songs. It’s just what I am.


10. What is your fondest memory of making this album?

The instant comradery established among Geza, Jerry and me. We had some brutally funny moments!


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